Our vision
We believe that young people are the pillars of tomorrow and they need to be guided towards a
transformative path.

Problem Statement
Lack of skilled and motivated youth communities has the devastating potential to create severe
economic impacts.
Young people in poor communities have struggled with life and they need a hand that can mobilize
and support them through ideological orientation and skilling that can equip them with constructive
Knowledge and reliable Skills.

There is a great and effective work to be done for youths in slums and refugee camps as well as the
very poor communities to make them feel empowered and train them to play an important role in
their society.
Vulnerable communities over the whole world are labelled by theft, conflict, sex, drug abuse among
many challenges with majority of crimes being committed by the idle unemployed youths. These
backward social and civic challenges continue to reign among the ghetto youths with the majority
dominating in poverty and unemployment.

Our Mission
To transform the lives of as many disadvantaged youths as possible suffering from drug abuse,
poverty, mental health and unemployment through music, dance and drama as a major attraction
point(trigger) to join constructive outcome.

On-the-spot supervision
The supervisor of Kyakabi Foundation lives and works in Uganda. He lives in Kampala when he does
not have to be in other district communities for work. Together with the village elders and on
ground facilitators, he is responsible for the smooth running of all development activities and
receives an allowance for his transport and for expenses such as drinking and eating.
The supervisor regularly reports on the progress of the projects. He sends photos that show an
image of the progress. The Supervisory board of Kyakabi Foundation in Uganda ensures that the
projects go well and assists when the supervisor is absent.

Supervision from the Netherlands
In principle, the director of our foundation goes to Uganda twice a year to investigate where new
projects can be best carried out and to check how the current projects are going. He tries to plan his
trip in such a way that he can officiate the launching of new project activities. He therefore takes
photographs and a report of the concrete results. He only receives compensation for his travel
The director reports on his findings to the board in the Netherlands and informs the donors of the
foundation. So that the donors can see that their money is well spent.

We collect donations through:

  • telephone cold/hot acquisition
  • sale of Ugandan artisanal products:
  • through our web shop from the proceeds, 35% goes to the foundation. (We use the other 65% to –
    pay necessary costs and investments of the foundation).
  • through various trade fairs and the like.

Strong point of our foundation
Our foundation has been active in Uganda since 2019. We strongly believe that any development
must be achieved in cooperation with the local population. Cooperation leads to sustainable
solutions that are supported by the people for whom we realize the solution. That is why we have a
supervisor on site and our director who is both Ugandan and Dutch who are a part of the local
population. They know the local customs. They can also ensure that our projects comply with local
legislation. In addition, transparency is our great strength. At our foundation, all donations end up in
the right place!

Possible threat
The less fortunate youth communities over the whole world are labelled by theft, conflict, sex, drug
abuse among many challenges with majority of crimes being committed by the idle unemployed
youths. These backward social and civic challenges continue to reign among the ghetto youths with
the majority dominating in poverty and unemployment.

We keep our donors and other interested parties informed of activities and results of our

We do this via:

  • our website www.stichtingkyakabi.org
  • newsletters
  • direct contacts with our director and founde