This page was last modified on June 29, 2021

This file specifies how Stichting Kyakabi handles the (personal data) entrusted to it, with which bodies the data are shared and why, and how the consent of the data subjects is regulated.

Stichting Kyakabi records details such as name, address, place of residence, email address and other information necessary for the implementation of the donorship (membership) or the processing of a one-off donation. We only provide your information to parties that perform services for our foundation, such as printers for the printing of labels and only those data that are necessary for the relevant processing. All information entrusted to us is treated confidentially by us and our suppliers.

Your email address will only be used to send information concerning our foundation, such as newsletters about initiated and completed projects.

Your data will only be used for the purposes for which it was obtained.

Spreadsheet donator administration; personal data

– Registration date

– Origin (eg unknown, newsletter, website, personal contact)

-First letters:




-Postal Code:


-Newsletter: Y / N

-Email address: All correspondence with the donors is sent by e-mail.

-Payment period: 1 x per year.

-Passed donor amount: no promised amount.

-Payment method: Bank transferal

-Bank Number:

-Thank you: Y / N

-Phone number: We ask permission to include the telephone number in our administration to approach our donor occasionally (at most twice a year) to ask whether or not to stay a donor or to make a one-time donation.

-Registration date:

Donor administration; location

The donor administration spreadsheet is locally managed on a PC by Recab Mwesigye

Recab Mwesigye makes a back-up of the system every month. The backup is on a separate disk that is stored in a lockable drawer.

You can unsubscribe as a donor at any time. Send an e-mail to

You can also give address changes and other changes to our secretariat.

Stichting Kyakabi ensures proper and appropriate protection (both technically and physically) of the personal files entrusted to it.

Spreadsheet donor administration; management

New donors register with the secretariat that is managed by Recab Mwesigye.

Recab Mwesigye delivers the new registrations and processes them in the spreadsheet.

Cancellations also arrive at the secretariat.

The cancellations are also processed by Marion van de Voort. Cancellations are kept in the system for another 2 years.

Back-up and encryption

The spreadsheet donor administration is locally managed on a PC by Recab Mwesigye.

Recab Mwesigye makes a back-up of the systems every month. The backup is stored on a separate external hard disk that is stored in a lockable drawer.

New donors register with the secretariat that is manned by Recab Mwesigye. The answer forms that are completed on the website also arrive at the secretariat.

The registration forms are sent encrypted.


Stichting Kyakabi may collect all data necessary for the execution of the order that is recorded in the Spreadsheet webshop. Stichting Kyakabi may keep the data for another 7 years after the order has been executed due to the administrative justification of the order.

Questions and feedback

We regularly check whether we comply with this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us:

Stichting Kyakabi

+31 (0) 633787051